Saturday, April 17, 2010

Befores and afters in the sewing room


  1. It all looks so much prettier painted white! It lets the fabric stacks shine through.

  2. love the white...everything just seems so much fresher and brighter.

  3. Wow what a beautiful room , it looks so good !

  4. Love the paint job. What work you've done! I can't imagine tackling a job that big! xo m.

  5. Love the white! Everything looks so neat...will you come and organize my sewing room? LOL

    Kimberly :-)

  6. hey i just wanted to say that i follow your blog and have missed your 'rawness' - so to speak-. i could really tell that the posts were diff and i am glad you are back. i never leave comments but just wanted ya to know! cool ok bye


Thankyou for your kind thoughts. I appreciate and read everyone even though at times I may not be well enough to reply. Thankyou.