Thursday, July 15, 2010

My creative space

My creat ive space is an a typical shambles. But I promise you I am working on a whole stack of folders for friends, although a lot of the projects haven't left the space of my mind yet.
Aaha! Here it is.
The first folder is nearly complete and would be if I had had any black elastic a couple of days ago.
And what is a girl to do, if on wending her way to the elastic shop, she stumbles upon a few op shops.
Which is why I can't finish the project until I have gazed to my hearts delight at all these lovely cotton/linen teatowels that have never even been used.
I did leave some for other people too.


  1. ahh nothing like a good oppy to distract you..

  2. Very generous of you to leave a few for the punters.

  3. So many distractions, so little time :) Enjoy your creating.

  4. Oh I love the look of the folders you have going. Not the look of all the washing in the basket as I have one of those too!


Thankyou for your kind thoughts. I appreciate and read everyone even though at times I may not be well enough to reply. Thankyou.