Thursday, February 23, 2012

Colours in my washing machine.

Inspired by the  AWESOME library chick from Ballarat (she's after postcards from anywhere and everywhere so click on the link if you can help her) I have finally started saving fabrics for a rag rug. 

I am intending to use the toothbrush method although my toothbrush may or may not actually be that. I love to invent so I'll investigate what suits me.

As you can see the colours favour pinks and blues. The blacks in there are a maxi picked out by a friend I bumped into at the oppy and an overseas destination inspired skirt from Lavender Blue that will either be worn by DD1 or cut up for a poster or cushion.

Have you found some happyfying bits and bobs lately?
Would you like to  join in with RicRac's slow rag rug-a-long?

1 comment:

  1. I stopped by and wrote a long comment on how busy you have been and how the rag rug project looks like fun. Unfortunately the internet in Canberra was so slow that it timed out before I posted LOL.
    I have enjoyed seeing your progress and I look forward to reading more about your rag rug.
    Hugs, jan mac


Thankyou for your kind thoughts. I appreciate and read everyone even though at times I may not be well enough to reply. Thankyou.