Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just when I thought it was safe....... turn this creative space back into a kitchen:
along comes another painting project!!!

DD1 has been leaving her library books in dangerous places (we have 3 indoor dogs) so when I saw a basket at the op shop for just $1 I knew my problem was solved.

Not that I actually used said basket for the books.

No it was too small for books but big enough to hold doggie medicines.
So I swapped the two baskets around, one in the shed and the other for the house.

The house one received a quick bath, long soak in the sun and then a whipe of paint.

I say a whipe of paint because I didn't dig deep with the brush this time. I simply applied small amounts of paint to large areas.

Just because I liked that effect on this basket.

For more effect, and to protect the edges of the library books, I swiped the lace centre cloth from the dining table (yes it was clean ladies) and tied it onto the basket, delicately arranging all the excess down the bottom.

Another problem solvered.....!

For more creative spaces try Kootoyoo's brilliant blog.


  1. I love the care and thought into looking after your library books - if only others would be so kind to them!

  2. I really love the lace you put in there, it looks great!

  3. what a smart girl !! looks great, thanks for visiting my blog after my (to long) blog break.


Thankyou for your kind thoughts. I appreciate and read everyone even though at times I may not be well enough to reply. Thankyou.