Friday, September 17, 2010

Using what you have

I used to live next door to a wonderful 80 something year old when I was a teenager. Everyone called her Nan.
Sha was the true eccentric.
Her little flat looked like a harem with billowing reds, pinks and oranges.
Always perfect.
She was always perfect.
You would never see her without makeup and apparently she would put it on while doing her daily exercise routine.
You also never saw Nan in the same outfit.
Never ever.
Everyday she prepared a new one with goods bought at the auction house which was one of her favourite haunts.
New shoes (house paint), new jewellery (house paint of course), new clothes (ricrac or lace quickly staple on and pulled off the next day).
She was highly creative.
She always stood tall (probably 5' nothing) and spoke with certainty.
Only her closest friends knew that those ridiculous hats might hide a white median strip in the perennially black hair.
Her favoutrite motto was: "A good soldier never looks behind".
And in memory of Nan I am asking you not to look behind my lovely new slip either!!

Made with love from reclaimed and found items just like Nan!

1 comment:

Thankyou for your kind thoughts. I appreciate and read everyone even though at times I may not be well enough to reply. Thankyou.